Are you living the life you have envisioned?

Transform your life now with Wealthy and Worthy.

Are you Ready to go for it?


Join Wealthy and Worthy now!
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You Deserve so much more out of your life than you are attracting or letting yourself have and it is only because somewhere along the way in your life, probably when you were very young, someone or many someone's led you to believe that in order to be a good person you had to do the right things in the eyes of other people.


That you had to settle with less than you want, need or even deserve because if you go after The Wealth and Worth you truly deserve and desire you would be greedy and Selfish.


Society, Teachers, your family, friends families, managed to convince you of this because of two reasons. 1. You were young and impressionable and were supposed to trust their teachings. 2. They taught you this because it is what they were taught at a young age too. They didn't know they were wrong.

But they were WRONG. Society, all of these teachings is wrong. You should be living your best life. You should have self worth. You should never have to struggle with bills. You should never feel stuck in your life. You Should be working in a field, job or business that excites you. You should be living your life with the love of your life or whatever it is you feel you need in your personal life. You should feel fulfilled and whole.

If you are not living all of your dreams, you are suffering from SOUL FATIGUE. A condition that exists when your Soul and your mind and emotions are not connected. When you are living the life you think you have no choice but to live instead of living the life you are here to live. Unfortunately for most of us there is a huge difference between those, and that creates a disconnect in our hearts, minds and souls.

That disconnect creates fears, worries, it leaves you feeling stressed, it is why you give up, why you feel sad, why you make the wrong choices, why you get hurt, why you struggle. 

It is why you hold onto the past and use it against yourself and others. It is why you feel disconnected and wonder why you are even really here. It is you are moody, feel lost, feel alone, feel like something is missing. 




You deserve and can have it all. The truth is you were born for it.


WEALTHY & WORTHY Is the most honest, best solution you will ever find! 


It is time to level up your life. Live your dreams, build your business or have your perfect job. Fall in love. feel connected. 

  • Attract the position in your career you really want. Or create and build your business and succeed. Are you in the career you really want? Or did you just settle to pay the bills?
  • Retire early without giving up the comforts you’ve worked hard for. Do you believe retirement is even an option for you or are you on Freedom 95 instead of 55 or 65?
  • Leave a legacy of wealth behind for your children. Or spend it all living the life you truly want to live. Either way financial struggle is not how life was laid out, It is how your belief system has taken over your choices and outcomes.
  • Heal your soul, your heart, without having to go through years of therapy. We try to not focus on our pains but we bring them into everything we do, from our love lives to our parenting, friendships, career, bank accounts. You can only attract and create what you believe you deserve, and your emotional trauma's are telling you that you do not deserve, instead of you do. The sad part here is that it is actually easy to let them go, as soon as you shift how you see them!
  • Build your self worth, self love. This is easier than you think, it isn't selfish and it doesn't make you greedy. If you aren't taking proper care of you who will
  • Finally realize and become the version of you that you really want to be! Do you even remember the life you want to live? Or do you feel like this is the life you were given? Because it isn't, like it or not it is the life you have chosen and the great thing about choices is that we can change them any time we want! 
  • Connect and use your Intuition. For yourself and for others around you. Do you trust your Intuition? Did you know you were born with it and that your intuitions is actually your navigation system that you came here with in order to reach your goals, fulfill your contracts and become the version of you that you were born to be?
  • Reach your actual dreams. Do you even know what they are anymore?

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In Financial Freedom Bootcamp, you’ll learn how to finally take control of your financial future.


In The Next 12 Months, You Could…

  • Increase your income 3 fold.
  • Have the relationship you want.
  • Travel and live your dreams.
  • Change your entire life or just make it amazing!

Don't you think it is time to finally start taking care of you? Finally time to take control of your life and your outcomes?

This membership is for you if

  • You are tired of feeling lost and behind.
  • You have no idea how to attract or build the life you want.
  • You are willing to take a small chance on your change.
  • You dream of living a more comfortable life
  • You are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
  • You actually want to feel like you are in control of your present and future and ready to finally let go of your past!
  • You want to save a lot of money and take advantage of this limited price offer.

I'm Kjarlune Rae.

I have 3 degrees, and none of them have make me the dream life I live now. I am a coach, a therapist, a public figure, but more than that, I have created and built a life many dream about.

If I can do it anyone can. I was the poster child for screwed up and broken. Yet I have reached, achieved every goal I have set out to do and I did it in a career that Everyone said it couldn't be done in. 

Go ahead and underestimate me, because that is just fun for the both of us. Has always been my motto.


Working with KJ has been an incredibly transformative experience for my business and my personal growth. Since we began our journey together, with her guidance, she has helped me align with opportunities I never knew existed for me.  With her expertise in the Law of Attraction, she has supported me in taking risks that I would never have considered before—I have more than doubled my income lifting the ceiling on what I once thought was possible or even what I was worthy of. But more importantly, KJ has empowered me to create more meaningful ways to have a greater impact through my passion for helping others. She has a remarkable ability to see beyond my limitations and call me out on my own excuses—often, when I didn’t even recognize these self-imposed barriers as holding me back. Her ability to help me reframe my mindset has empowered me to help others achieve their own dreams which makes working with her a gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks to KJ's candidness and unwavering support, I have not only expanded my business but also been able to contribute more meaningfully to my community. I am beyond grateful for her insights and encouragement. 
I wholeheartedly recommend KJ to anyone looking to elevate their success while creating a positive impact in the world. Thank you, KJ, for being such an invaluable part of my journey!


- Bonnie W.

"I travel the world in my career without a degree, everyone told me I needed. In under 3 years I have enough to retire and live wherever I want to live."

- Anesh A.

"Since starting coaching with KJ, I have gone from feeling stuck in a toxic, unfulfilling job to being self employed; living my life the way I choose; pursuing goals I have deeply wanted pursue for so long, but held myself back. I have experienced more growth than I probably even realize. I am so grateful and feel so priviledged to have KJ in my corner helping me along, and kicking me in the butt when I need it. "

- Paul L.

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