You were born to lead, and spend your life being taught to follow.


We are all perfectly imperfect beings and shouldn't be afraid to show our flaws.


You have total control of your thoughts, goals, lessons. You choose every outcome.

I'M Kjarlune Rae


I have become someone who defies labels: successful, talented, dedicated workaholic, mother, grandmother, wife, and a rule-breaker who has charted her own course. For over three decades, I've delved into the complexities studying, understanding and helping thousands heal, and reprogram their mind, soul, and human nature.

Society loves its boxes, but we don't have to fit neatly inside them. It's time to shatter those expectations and embrace the life we truly desire and deserve.

Come along on a transformative journey of self-love, discovery, healing, and unwavering confidence. Together, we'll achieve your goals and manifest your dream life.






I struggled from the moment I could start understanding. As a child so many things just didn't make sense. I argued with facts I should have never had. Drove teachers, and preachers crazy with my willful personality, and inner knowing of what was and wasn't right.

I can't be swayed or convinced of things I know are not true. Most of how society says we should do things are not at all how we should do them. I have spent most of my life feeling very alone. Even surrounded by people who love me, Feeling like I don't fit. The truth is I don't. I was never meant too.

I have this calling, it sits deep inside of me, this need to heal others. To show how strong, resilient, determined we all are. To fight the teachings, opinions and expectations Society places on us, weighing us down, and convincing us we can't have the life we really want. We all have a calling. Here for a purpose or many.

As an adult I have spent my career helping people just like you. Remove their self imposed limitations that come from a belief system that does not serve them. Heal from their trauma's and turn those into their strength. Learn how loving and caring for themselves will bring them success. 

I am a therapist, A coach, A teacher who has proven to tens of thousands of people you do not need to be healed to start succeeding. There is no goal that is impossible. You do not have to choose, change is a good thing. Starting over is easier than starting the first time. Failure is a myth, 

What is You In The Making?

Imagine your brain as a vast hard drive, filled with data accumulated over a lifetime—from teachers, parents, society, and the constant stream of media and influences. These inputs shape our understanding, often limiting our potential and directing our choices.

Now, consider your soul as the boundless power source within you. It carries the wisdom of every experience, lesson, and lifetime it has touched. Unlike the brain, it doesn't require learning; it holds the essence of who you truly are.

When you bridge your soul with your mind, magic happens. Your soul heals, transforms, and liberates you from the constraints imposed by societal norms and external influences. It's a journey of deep healing and profound connection—to yourself and to your purpose.

At You In The Making, we illuminate the path to this profound connection. We empower you to merge these forces within you, unleashing an unstoppable ability to attract, achieve, and live authentically. It's about reclaiming your true desires and breaking free from the limitations imposed upon you.

Discover the life you've been told was out of reach. Embrace the power within and create the reality you've always yearned for.


"Not my monkey's, not my circus. Responding to life instead of reacting to it. These are just two of the game changers I have learned in reaching my goals through YIM."


"This time last year, I was struggling to make my business a success. Without taking on any more clients I have tripled my income. There is nothing I can't do now. Thanks KJ"
